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As an independent grower membership organisation, Market Check offers advocacy and industry representation for our clients. The team regularly presents at industry events and offers commentary within the media on relevant topics that affect the grains industry and its growers. Market Check puts grower interests first when offering commentary and distributing content throughout the grains industry, and wider agricultural sector.
Putting options on the table
Tom Basnett of Market Check discusses the advantages of using options to manage risk. While many growers have had a great start to the season and are keen to protect new crop prices, the first important point is to avoid the risky temptation to over- commit grain to forward contracts. Crops may not yield as […] READ MORE
Keeping up with the Jones’s
Farming Ahead Article April 2014 By Brett Stevenson How do your farm profits compare with others? Are you suffering from profit envy? Perhaps it’s time to take a look at how your business performance compares with that of other farmers’ so that you can see in which areas you could be earning more, spending less […] READ MORE
Grain Growers learn about market options
Around 20 farmers gathered last Wednesday for a Market Check seminar about selling grain at the USMC. Market Check general manager, Tom Basnett said these seminars are a great opportunity for local growers to talk about marketing. The small setting allowed the farmers to ask personal questions. “We try to do each seminar like this,” […] READ MORE