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As an independent grower membership organisation, Market Check offers advocacy and industry representation for our clients. The team regularly presents at industry events and offers commentary within the media on relevant topics that affect the grains industry and its growers. Market Check puts grower interests first when offering commentary and distributing content throughout the grains industry, and wider agricultural sector.
The Future of the Grain Industry
The Road is Rarely Straight Industry Leaders & Losers The Australian grains industry has gone through significant change since I started my career in 2005 and I’ve witnessed much of this change first hand through the lens of various supply chain participants. Australian growers have experienced big swings in market participants, demand dynamics, prices, weather […] READ MORE
China holds the key to barley market
The barley market was at a delicate juncture, with prices currently competitive into export markets but with few export buyers looking to accumulate serious parcels of grain as yet explained Nick Crundall, Market Check Head of Strategy in this article published by Stock Journal...Read More READ MORE
Recognition for a WA tillage trail blazer
Jackie’s approach to building the skill sets and supporting rural and regionally-based small business owners and entrepreneurs is outstanding, explains Brett Stevenson, Market Check Founder and Managing Director in this article published by Farm more READ MORE
People on the move in the grains and cropping sector
Our presence in WA will be vastly different to 2002, explains Brett Stevenson, Market check founder and managing director, in this article published on Grain More
Yemen Australia’s biggest July bulk wheat buyer: ABS
ABS July wheat export data came in as expected, explains Nick Crundall, Market Check head of strategy, in this article published on Grain more
Market Check Return to WA with Experience
History in WA Back in 1995 Brett Stevenson exited the financial markets after 12 years, with the view of bringing the skills he had learnt to the agricultural industry. The Wool Reserve Price Scheme was disbanded in 1991 and the domestic grain market deregulated in 1989. The debate about deregulating the National Single Desk was […] READ MORE
Australian barley exports flat over May as stocks tighten
Our barley exports are winding down as procurement of volume in WA and SA becomes harder, explains Nick Crundall, Market Check, in this article published on Grain Central... Read More.
Philippines tops Australia’s bulk February wheat sales
Philippines tops Australia’s bulk February wheat sales, Nick Crundall, Head of Strategy, Market Check speaks with Liz Wells from Grain Central. Read More.
Market Check’s Pre-Harvest Program Proves the Value of Put Options Again
Market Check opened its Pre-Harvest Program to grower clients in March 2018, utilising a put options strategy to protect new crop prices. Rather than forward selling at sub $300 NTP levels, growers contributed $20 per tonne into the Program which the Market Check team invested in a portfolio of wheat put options, actively managing the […] READ MORE
Australia’s July-December wheat exports at 4.47Mt down 40pc on 2H17
Market Check’s Head of Strategy, Nick Crundall commenting in Grain Central’s article on the massive drop in July-December wheat exports. – Liz Wells, February 15, 2019. Read Here READ MORE