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Australian Grain Review

Market Check publishes the Australian Grain Review (AGR), Australia’s most widely read independent magazine for Australian growers dedicated to grain markets and relevant wider industry news. The magazine is distributed annually with content created by Market Check staff and key industry experts with the goal of bridging the gap between growers and the wider global grains marketplace.
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Given the evident global production issues and the volatile geo-political backdrop, price risk management and understanding relative value is now more prudent than ever. Therefore, we’ve chosen articles in this AGR issue covering new instruments for protecting wheat prices, views on the relative value of canola compared to European canola (MATIF) by a large domestic canola crusher, and how to be innovative with your grain marketing around on-farm storage. Nick Carracher from INTL FCStone has written an interesting feature article on the bumpy road that is the China–US trade war and potential implications for grain prices, plus much more. We hope you enjoy.